
Lenovo with Debian

Your brand new kernel isn’t booting? Try to changes sda1 to hda1 at menu of grub. I’ve never saw this before and looked strange to me as I know that is a sata disc for sure. It works but I still trying to figure out why. Tanks a lot to João Paulo that help me to explore and fix that issue for while. Note that default kernel of debian boot with sda1 instead.

Your intel’s ethernet card isn’t working? You must go to Intel support website and take the e1000 or e1000e drivers. I’ve tested the e1000e- with kernel for the lenovo m57 and worked pretty nice. Tanks a lot to Victor to ask for continuing steadfastly trying each of the drivers found even when they didn’t look to fit there.

I have had issues with debian too, mainly with laptops and wifi cards. But this isn’t a issue for debian, is a old issue for linux in general. That’s why I admire Ubuntu, great job about hardware support those guys are doing right now.


II Encontro de Software Livre de Pernambuco

I gave a lecture at the “II Encontro de software livre de Pernambuco“, that word by word means “Second Pernambuco’s meeting of free software”. Unfortunately I couldn’t get there before my lecture because I was working. The lecture was about Apache’s hardening. After show up how to exploit it twice (with Linux at H2HC and with Windows at uCon) I felt in a duty to find out how the best way to secure it.


Bossa ’08 Conference

The Bossa Conference is one of the most expected conference of my region. Mainly because it has the support of the INdT and always brings to us people of the whole word to gave lectures about free softwares and open source development. And tanks to nokia to support the INdT in Recife. I wasn’t there but I hope be there next year for sure!


uCon Security Conference I Edition at Recife

I glad to say that I was at first uCon (should I spell “micro con”?), It was just as they say in the website: “Founded in the true spirit of hacking, uCon is a totally informal conference on hacking, technology and information and telecommunication security. ” Friends “Rio de Janeiro” e “Tocatins” came from the meeting. The lectures are available for download, take a look. Great job of the The Bug! Magazine guys.


Dumb Quiz, making easier to build a quiz

That’s my new proggy, the main ideia is just makes easier to build a quiz tool. It grabs those question in a sqlite3 database embeeded as well as the asnwers. I’d so much fun doing it with python and gtk; and I’d learned a lot about software deployment making a Linux installer (RPM and DEB) as well as a Windows installer.



Note that It comes with some bugs for free, I promise I’ll fix it soon. Anyway, If you find another one, please let me know!


Sofware deploying in Unix environments

Well, software deployment is all of the activities that make a sofware system available for use. With several Linux distributions available and so many libraries versions, this can easily become a journey through madness. Be aware, work as the package maintainer isn’t that simple! But, which tools did we have to get that job done? Let start installing what we need:

aptitude install dh-make dpkg-dev

Now, you must set some required stuff and than build the package. Just that easy. But just for debian, and if you need to make package for other distribuitions? We need to proceed learning “the way of” each one? Yeah, and start to get mad again. Thinking about that I’ve been looking for some reasonable solutions. Than I find out epm and autopackage. I decide to use epm because it looks very easy to make a simple package with it. Later, I realize that it can do lot more for me…

# ls
hello  hello.list
# cat hello.list
%product Hello
%copyright 2007 by You
%vendor Vendor
%description This program prints "hello"
%version 0.1
%readme README
%license LICENSE

f 755 root sys /usr/bin/hello hello
# epm -n -f rpm hello
# epm -n -f deb hello
# ls linux-2.6-intel/
hello-0.1.deb  hello-0.1.rpm

Even OSX, AIX, BSD package as well as package for other computer architecture. I didn’t tried, but that’s what they say in the man page. Autopackage has some nice graphic interface, so I’ll try soon. But, at moment, epm looks great to me. Anyone knows other solutions? I also didn’t tried Alien.


Hacker 2 Hacker Conference IV Edition at Brasília

H2HC IV was great. After two years been held at São Paulo it comes back to Brasília. I’ve been take part of the conference since the first edition and I’m a witness of its growth each year. So, and what happens this year? They made three days course, capture the flag challenge and bring Alexander Kornbrust as international speaker. See the capture de flag results at istf website.

Tanks h2hc staff for the great job!


Hello Cruel World at GoogleCodes

I’ve just created my first google code project. The name, “hellocruelworld” says everything. It’s just a bunch of hello worlds examples, sorry google for using our services as sandbox. You can “check out” those samples with following command-line.

svn co http://hellocruelworld.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/ hellocruelworld

I created and fixed some issues as well as edited the wiki stuff just to take look arround and I really enjoy. Anyway, you can also access source code from web. But, I agree with you, isn’t so good as trac!


Learning with videos on internet

I still remember when in 1995 I used to go to university to get some .txt and .html files, mostly zines, on internet to read for some months. Now we have connection everywhere. I was looking for some way to deploy a python application when I found ShowMeDo website. I’m talking about video tutorials. It look like a new trend on tutorials over the internet, make a quick search at google videos for tutorial and you’ll see. I do think screencasts, digital recording of a computer screen, like those of ruby on rails are pretty cool. Well, not talking about video anymore but still about knowledge other interesting website is SlideShare. As bandwidth grows and mobile device becomes available, and that’s a strong tendency, we experience other ways to share knowledge. What will be new?


WordPress: include code

I’ve been putting some code, in a dirty way, just in the middle of my posts. I decide to learn a little bit more about wordpress and get things done properly. A small ruby code with indentation as sample.

if ARGV.length == 0
    puts "no argv"

After trying <code>, <blockquote> and <pre> directives I think the best result was achieved using <pre> with <code>, just like the sample above. See the code bellow.

if ARGV.length == 0
puts “no argv”

Anyone has a better solution for that? More details here.


"Don't worry about what anybody else is going to do. The best way to predict the future is to invent it. Really smart people with reasonable funding can do just about anything that doesn't violate too many of Newton's Laws!" -- Alan Kay in 1971

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